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Replacing USB Stick

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I've been running the same two USB sticks for my Pro licenses for a long, long, long time.  I remember 5RC2 as a version from that time period, and probably was messing with it earlier than that.


I am about to do the first major server upgrade (MB + CPU) of one my server's lifetime's, and I might as well move to brand new USB sticks so I don't have any unfortunate failures, given their age.


What is the easist/least risky way to move to new USB sticks?

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1 hour ago, tucansam said:

I might as well move to brand new USB sticks so I don't have any unfortunate failures, given their age.

It seems modern sticks aren't as long lived as their venerable cousins. In your shoes I'd stick with what's working, and just keep a fresh USB backup handy, along with whichever new stick seems to currently have the best reputation. Moving to a new stick is easy if you have a current backup.


To test prospective sticks before transferring your license, I strongly recommend setting up a trial install and make sure it boots and runs well for a period of time before committing yourself to the new stick. Hopefully you have some older hardware running enough to do that kind of testing, where you can test things at your leisure before committing to your production server.

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