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Import error in Sonarr/Radarr

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I know this has been asked a lot because I thoroughly searched for an answer before posting, but I just can't figure this out. I'm sure it's a config error on my part, just can't find it. I'm using Sabnzbd as my dl client. In Unraid, I set up a Downloads, TV Shows, and a Movies share.

The Sab container Host Path --> /mnt/user/Downloads/. Then there is an incomplete and complete subfolder in there as well.

The Sonarr container data path --> /mnt/user/Downloads/. The media path --> /mnt/user/TV Shows/

Radarr is identical to Sonarr except for Movies of course. Sonarr/Radarr is sending dl requests just fine. 

Not sure if it is relevant, but I noticed that Sab has a Default Base Folder: /config. Doesn't look right to me but I can't see a way to change it.


Radarr gives this status:

You are using docker; download client SabNzbd places downloads in /Downloads/complete but this directory does not appear to exist inside the container. Review your remote path mappings and container volume settings.


Sonarr/Radarr gives the error:

Import failed, path does not exist or is not accessible by Sonarr: /Downloads/complete/Obi-Wan.Kenobi.S01E06.1080p


I have tried running the permissions tool. Tried adding a Remote Path Mappings. (Remote Path --> /mnt/user/Downloads/, Local Path --> /data/). Tried changing the Sonarr/Radar data path to /mnt/user/Downloads/complete.


On top of all this, suddenly Sonarr is not seeing any of the episodes in my library anymore. They imported in just fine, and at one point they were there, then it began refreshing and now it isn't showing any of the episodes I have in the folder. I double checked and the container has the settings I stated above, which is what it was when I first created it. I shut it down because now its trying to fill in all of the episodes it thinks are missing. Please help!




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I'm clutching at straws and *assuming* you have things setup (hopefully) as some popular videos demonstrate. Part of me wants to ask if you got a new router recently, or had an Internet issue, new provider?...


The more I (re)read, the more it seems like a permissions problem (permissions tool won't change anything beyond basic access -- !someone correct me, if I'm wrong).


Question: How long has this "setup" been working successfully for?


I'm confident you'll find the answer Occlusion. If I were a Mod I would remove...


56 minutes ago, Occlusion said:



...because not all of us might subscribe to D+... *I do*, but like my son, prefer to watch without being tracked.


Let me/us know how it goes. So few people post obvious solutions that everyone search for, right?



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  • 1 year later...

Actually, Sonarr and Radarr both have a solution built inside to take of this. It's called remote path mapping and is needed in cases where you have docker containers without well planned paths. Go to "Download Clients" in Sonarr and Radarr and you'll need to hit the plus sign to setup a remote path. You pick the IP of the host. You specify the exact download path of finished and processed files in the download client. You then pick the local path within the Sonarr or Radarr docker container that points to the same path.


For example, for Sonarr, my remote path for NZBGet was:



and my local path to that same location within the Sonarr container was:



I'm new to Docker containers and was having this same issue until I found this out.

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