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Wake On Lan (from shutdown) - For My Unraid Server

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Hello, thanks for reading my post. I appreciate your help.


Main point: I need to set up Wake On Lan (from shutdown) for my Unraid server.


I will be traveling for a few months in Europe, and I need access to my Unraid server. It would be nice if power outages weren't a thing where I live, but unfortunately, they are. They happen about once a week during the summer due to heat waves. 


I have the pre-requisite hardware that supports WOL, most importantly the NIC. Additionally, I can VPN into my home network to send the WOL signal. 


I have tried multiple guides out there, including:




I have successfully woken up my server from sleep using the above guide "***Guide*** Setup WOL for UNRAID" but again, this is only WOL from sleep. I need to WOL from complete shutdown


Has anyone successfully implemented WOL from shutdown on their Unraid server? Do you know of a guide that can help with this process?


Thank you!


CleanShot 2022-07-10 at 13.57.19.png

Edited by UnBeastRaid
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On 7/10/2022 at 4:34 PM, JonathanM said:

You really need IPMI or the equivalent.


could be a good option.


After some researching, I've decided to go with a physical method for turning on the server. I bought a SwitchBot remote switch with the SwitchBot hub (for around $65 usd) so I can activate the switch via the cloud using IFTTT or Shortcuts. Works like a charm! Video below

Edited by UnBeastRaid
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