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Array unprotected from failing drive, how to shrink the array by removing that drive and restoring parity

Go to solution Solved by JorgeB,

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I have recurring issues with one of my drives and have swapped out drives, cables and switched SATA ports (I believe, it's been a while). Now I would like to permanently remove the drive from use. How do I shrink my array by the one drive and restore parity to the array. Currently the drive in question is unselected and shows as not installed. I have completed a read-check but the array says unprotected. When I reassign the drive to the array and it attempts to emulate, it will receive an error very shortly into the emulation process. Looking at the drive, it shows 2 GB used of 2 TB. The file viewer shows no files on the drive, I am willing to risk losing some data that might be on there to resolve this issue. Can I achieve parity with the loss of the drive and not replacing it? How can I do that? Thank you.


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