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6.10.3 - unraid crashing since update and setup of Frigate w/ TPU passthrough

Go to solution Solved by JorgeB,

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Hi all,


Hoping someone smarter than I can help me figure out whats going on. I have been running unraid for many years. I have been on the current hardware for over a year and its been very stable. Recently, I began experiencing crashes pretty regularly (uptime always less than 24 hours). This started after 2 changes:


1. I began to really use Frigate (docker). I had run a test setup w/o a TPU for a few weeks with just one camera for a few weeks without issue. However, once my Coral arrived I passed it through to my docker and added my 2 other cameras.

2. I did also upgrade to 6.10.3 at that same time.


Now I am experiencing the crashes. It's almost certain the Frigate setup or update is to blame as that is what changed when I started having issues. Hoping someone can look at the diagnostics and help me figure out what the specific issue is.


Thanks you in advanced


Edited by daemian
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Solution
Aug  2 07:49:22 ur01 kernel: macvlan_broadcast+0x10e/0x13c [macvlan]
Aug  2 07:49:22 ur01 kernel: macvlan_process_broadcast+0xf8/0x143 [macvlan]


Macvlan call traces are usually the result of having dockers with a custom IP address, upgrading to v6.10 and switching to ipvlan should fix it (Settings -> Docker Settings -> Docker custom network type -> ipvlan (advanced view must be enable, top right))

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