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diaspora* social docker-compose setup in UnRaid?

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Has anyone been able to get diaspora working on UnRaid? I tried setting up a custom template for docker koehn/diaspora but log showed that it's expecting yaml file and what not. So I got the Compose Manager plugin installed in UnRaid and followed the docker-compose instruction from here , but no matter of my newbie troubleshooting/changes, I'm able to compose up but the actual disapora docker doesn't show the IP on left side nor does log load - window opens and quickly closes.


I don't mind manually making the dockers, without Compose Manager and docker-compose, but even with all the env set, logs still expects a yaml and some other ~toml extension file or something like that. It's just diaspora, postgres, and redis.


If anyone has set it up successfully, could you please share your setup?

Edited by profzelonka
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Interesting, so this isnt going to play nice with the Compose Manager plugin without some modification. The problem is likely that Compose Manager assumes all .yml files in its directories to be compose files. I would suggest the following changes.

  • Create a folder for diaspora under appdata and place the database.yml and diaspora.yml there.
  • Create a new stack with compose manager and copy the contents of the docker-compose.yml into the compose file.
  • Modify ./diaspora.yml and ./database.yml with the path to those files in appdata.
  • Create subfolders in the appdata folder for each of the volumes listed in the docker file.
  • Remove the volumes section at the bottom of the compose file and replace all volume references in the file with the associated appdata path.
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You got me further! Thank you!!

I may have hit a wall though, the diaspora docker just reboots while redis & postgres logs show they're both "ready to accept connections".

Diaspora docker log: https://pastebin.com/thjd6exp


I just tried setting it up as individual dockers again, same exact issue as in log but doesn't repeat. Just as in the log above, I get the warning about the lock file which I doubt is an issue, then it says it's starting in production and it crashes endlessly.


Any ideas? Would really love to run this..

Edited by profzelonka
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  • 4 months later...

Looks like the docker author updated gitlab. Would anyone be willing to help make this work? https://gitlab.com/koehn-docker/diaspora


Edit, just in case anyone's reading this and is in the boat I was in..

I finally managed to get it to install in a VM properly in Debian 10. After all the trouble tho.. the platform currently doesn't have an android app that also has working notifications which is a huge blow IMO. Plus new members on the platform can't see old posts and the devs seem to have a hard stance on this being a feature. I had to pass and now I'm back to HumHub, which to my surprise recently got an official App development! https://github.com/humhub/app

Edited by profzelonka
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