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So…piezo arrived today.


Powered up…5 minutes; no post.


Flipped the piezo, just in case; 5 minutes…no post.


Flipped the piezo back; removed board battery and replaced (for good measure). 5 minutes…no post.


Think I need to give it even longer, JM; or does that mean we’re looking at a bad board?


Happy Labor Day

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Just for completeness, you could try all the combinations with and without RAM and video, but yeah, the CPU + motherboard + PSU + speaker should be enough to make the motherboard protest about lack of RAM with a distinctive set of beeps.


If it doesn't beep ever, it's dead. The next steps to troubleshoot which exact part is bad involve known good CPU and motherboard substitutions, which if you are purchasing instead of sourcing from a pile of used parts doesn't make much sense, unless you are spending single digit amounts. It comes down to how much time and money you want to add to the stack of old parts instead of sourcing newer more power efficient stuff.

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It comes down to how much time and money you want to add to the stack of old parts instead of sourcing newer more power efficient stuff.


Yeah Jonathan; that's my dilemma at the moment. OT1H, there's this used GigaByte GA-MA790GPT-UD3H on eBay, for ~$42 MoBo (free shipping; accepts returns). I dropped ~$60 on the PSU (when it didn't seem I needed to); another $40...and if I could get things back up and running...no matter how short-lived...I think I'd consider myself lucky, to have gotten away at ~$100.


OTOH...if that doesn't work; we're looking at CPU, RAM; and I'm down the rabbit-hole, and have thrown some good money after bad. Thinking about it.


Just out of curiosity...I spied this case and this mini-ATX board, that'll run 6xSATA MoBo


I know; obviously I need more. But...~$390 isn't a bad start. But...how do I even get 8 + parity, down to say 4 + parity (larger drives, obviously). I mean...do I need to have my old box up and running, to begin with??

Edited by CDLehner
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Interesting 🤔


So...I put half my RAM, the OS USB, and video back on the board. It booted to the unRAID login!


Left off the board:


- PCI-E SAS Controller Card

- Reverse Breakout cable

- Other half of RAM


I guess start putting them, back on...one at a time; see what craps things out?

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TBH JM...I didn't stick around, for post codes. You know how long, the OS can take to load...after a bad shutdown. Once I saw I had video, and it was loading...I kinda left the room.


I've got to methodically go through, all the remainiing parts. I'll listen for any post codes then.


Thanks for all the assistence. I have my fingers crossed 🤞 (but I'm not at the finish-line yet; so I'll be posting my findings)

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  • 2 weeks later...



Still no where near 100%...but getting some of my strength and focus back; and decide to monkey with the Server a bit. New info...


- Added back, remaining RAM to board; successful boot to console

- Connected reverse break-out cable...from SATA ports 0, 1, 2, 3 to ONE 4-drive array AND, MOLEX power (to array); board would not power on (at power-switcch, was has been working with all other tests to this point).


- Pulling MOLEX off, but leaving reverse break-out on; successful boot to console




Instead of connecting all (3) MOLEX, to each of the array of 3 x 4; I did only 1...the one the reverse break-out cable was on. Successfully booted to console, and console sees those 4 drives. 🤔



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As I type this, I'm waiting on an outcome...to a possible solution.


Trial and error, lead to...


-  PCI-E SAS Controller Card back on board; successful boot (and card connected to array)

- Molex to array; NOT successful boot


My HD array, is 3 x 4. I had the TOP 4, and BOTTOM 4 arrays in use; leaving "breathing-room" in the MIDDLE, between the two.


- Molex onto to MIDDLE array (empty); booted

- And now I've moved the 4 drives from the BOTTOM, to the MIDDLE; moved power and data...and awaiting a successful boot, of 8 drives (full array is 9, plus SSD...put they're "independent" for now). This would mean, bad power...on the BOTTOM array of 4.


Yes...8 drives, back in biz.

Edited by CDLehner
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If I can get these last 2 drives on-line, and the array back up...I'm only going to do so, long enough to move the data safely somewhere.


While I contemplate a new build...I have an HPE ProLiant MicroServer. It's been sitting in the box, waiting for use at my business. Might throw it together...just to get data moved, to a safe box. I assume...while "overkill"...there's no problem, using this pre-built solution? Just boot to unOS, and it bypasses everything else...and just turns into an expensive unRAID box?


Can someone take pity, and point me to the best thread...about porting more drives, down to less drives?



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