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Periodic system halts and slow array starts

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Hi all,


I've started getting periodic systems halts that require a full hard reset to resolve.

The system boots and appears to start normally until I get to entering my array password where after starting the array the UI appears to hang with the unraid logo pulse for a good minute at least before the UI becomes normally responsive again.


I run weekly array health checks that have not reported any issues and after a fresh boot up, I cannot see anything in the system log that would indicate the source of the fault (not that I'd know what I was looking at to be honest).


I've uploaded the diagnostic file in the hopes that someone might be able to point me in the right direction to getting this sorted. The box isn't highly critical but it is starting to get annoying having to hard reset the box and I've now gotten to the point where it's common enough that the server is on a smart plug that I can remotely turn off/on when this issue crops up.


Thanks in advance for your help,


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