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Windows 10 Explorer "Right Click Properties" Very Slow

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I gave a quick google search for this but could only find a reddit post referring me to the dynamix cache plugin. It did not help. I have had a 2-bay asustor nas for the past 2 years and did a full backup of it to a new share in unraid. In the unraid share, when I click a folder with many subdirs it takes a few seconds to load. Notably right clicking a folder and clicking properties takes the window quite some time to actually calculate the size and number of files. Opening the same original folder on the asustor has the folder opening instantly and the properties windows blows the unraid counterpart out of the water. I went ahead and did the test again in a linux enviornment and while it was a bit faster, the asustor share still beats unraid by a mile. Both systems are using the same 1Gb/s connection and have the same drive read and write speeds (according to the diskspeed docker at least) despite the unraid server using parity and 4 (10Tb drives) and the Asustor using 2 8TB drives in a JBOD config. Any advice on this would be appreciated. Logs available upon request. 

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I guess, you have set the spindown time of your drives a bit too overprotective.


It takes about 15-20s for them to spin up, then it takes another few seconds to scan the directories and get the informations windows is asking for.

That is pretty much normal.


You cannot prevent it that it happens, but you may tune how often it does:

* raise spindown delay

* configure the "Folder Caching" Plugin. (you may need to experiment a bit with the values, but my impression after your infos is, you need to raise the maximum search depth)

* configure windows to ask for less data (for instance, disable preview, that forces to open and read every file to generate thumbnails)



Edited by MAM59
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