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Everything posted by MAM59

  1. hmm, ja, kann sein, die Anzeige ist da nicht so ganz eindeutig. Bei genauerer Betrachtung fehlt bei Cache2 das FS, also gehen wir mal davon aus, dass die 4 Platten dann eins haben. Hab ich wohl falsch gelesen. Aber dann lieber als ein zfs raidz pool betrieben, als so.
  2. SCHALT DIE UNRAID PARITY AB!!! Du brauchst sie eh nicht, ist doppelt gemoppelt, denn das ZFS Array ist RAID-5 und hat eine eigene Parity Verwaltung.
  3. ach Gott! wieder mal eins der berüchtigten "ZFS-im-Array" Opfer! Du findest hier im Forum reichlich Threads zu dem Thema und vor allen Dingen, warum man es NICHT MACHEN SOLLTE! (Kurzversion: ZFS "optimiert", ohne Rücksicht auf UNRAID Array. Deshalb fliegen die Köpfe nur so umher, während UNRAID krampfhaft versucht, die Parität in Sync zu halten. Das Ganze schaukelt sich so auf, bis fast nix mehr geht. Deine 20Mb/s sind schon das Maximum was man aus dieser Konstellation erhoffen kann!)
  4. Paying for updates is nothing bad. You cannot expect any company to work for free for you for decades. They have to pay their employees, the rooms, the hardware... This does not work by selling licenses anmore after a time. The market is satuated somedays and improvements are hard to be built in after a while. So a wise company thinks about opening "new markets" long before they become bankrupt. If "once a year" is too much (I look at Adobe Elements, which are resold every year but the addons are marginally or do not help you at all), "once every major version" will be much less frequent (until they run low on money and just bump up the version number someday...). You with your old version are in a quite nice position, you will get unlimited updates for the old version, can take a look at them and decide later on, if you need them for the new server too (aka, spend the money AFTER you have reviewed it).
  5. this usually means that you have combined more than one lan card into a "bond" (aka port aggragation, aka trunk), set this to something else than "active backup" and connect these cards to either the same switch without configuring the switch to support this trunk style, or connect them to different switches that are also connected to each others somehow (switch loop). In rare conditions it also can mean that your lan card is broken or switch are broken and reflect packets that should not. But the first version is much more likely.
  6. Read the f*@king Manual! (of the Mobo) Most recent Motherboards are "overequipped", they contain more devices/connectors that they can handle at the same time (like "SATA5-8 only work if you do not use PCIe Slot #3" or "NVMe #3 only works if you turn off Wifi" (in BIOS)). So be sure to read the special sections and recheck if you did not accidentally created a non working combination. Although modern boards look very promising, the limits can drive you crazy. And Intel CPUs are always low on lanes, so it is more likely to run out of them.
  7. move the data first, add parity later. this will be much quicker than the other way round. And NEVER try to do both things at the same time, it will come to an halt!
  8. Thats not a PSU, thats a china joke. Totally unstable with spikes and so on. Get a real one (and a better case too as stated above).
  9. I would say, heat is not your problem but the power supply maybe too small to handle all devices.
  10. yeah, but thats also only half of the job. Normal plugins also need updates now and then...
  11. Nice to know but not helpful too. Usually "checking for updates" is the only daily thing I do on UNRAID. So I go to App Page, wait, and wait, and wait... until I think "this should be enough now".
  12. There is one thing that I dont like at CA, maybe someone can fix it someday: When you open the APP Page, CA scans installed VMs and Dockers for updates and show "update required" (or something alike, currently no update pending :-))) ) on the left menu under the "home" section. Thats fine, but also the problem. Yeah, we know that the background check is running and we know there will be a message if there is something to update. BUT, if there is no update, you never are informed that the check is done and you can leave the page! So you sit there, wait and wait and after a while you give up and do something else... Wasted Lifetime :-))) (gets valuable once you come into my region of age 🙂 ) So, my wish would be: just add a message "nothing to do" when the check is done and no updates could be found.
  13. Don't know that card. I have no 8x slot available in any pc (hmm, the new gaming pc could... but this would reduce the grafics slot to 8x too and the mobo has already a 10G card onboard... but I still use the Mellanox on this one too, much more reliable)
  14. Get a used Mellanox X3 card (warning! there are different versions with 8x2.0 or 4x3.0 PCIe slot demand! look at your mobo which one will fit. DONT run these cards with less than 4 or 8 lanes!!!). Microtik has CAT modules for 10G speed in stock, they are rather expensive and, worst of all, they get seriously HOT!. But if you run only one of them, this should work. But keep an eye on the temperature, if it gets too high, the switch turns the port OFF... BTW, your CAT6 cable is not the problem, the plugs on both ends are! Usually they are NOT CAT6, therefor they can produce a lot of problems. Also, lenghts >10m can be problematic! Be prepared for Link losses, Line Drops and Port resets... you have been warned. Better go for fiber or Direct Attach if possible.
  15. Patience 😁 What you see is the difference between gross and net. You HAVE a 10G connection, but depending on the files you transfer, you do not reach the upper end. Small files will be slow because the overhead needed to adjust the folder content. Try to transfer a 1G+ file (a movie for instance). Also note that heavy load on UNRAID (like dockers or VMs) can slow down the whole machine. To be sure that all connections are ok, take a look at the status & error pages of the CRS305. If errors sum up a lot, there is a problem and if there are a lot of timeouts on the stats page, you know that something slows down the net (don't panic if this port connects to the 2.5G switch, it is totally normal that it stops the 10G line quite often, the cheap switches do not handle speed correction themselfs, they put the load onto the upper switch) Also keep in mind that high speeds only can be achived when writing NEW files to UNRAID only. File on and from the array are limited to real disk speeds. Better you create a new share ("TEST") directly and only on the NVME and use it for speed tests. This should work in both directions. But do not expect to see 1,1Gb/s, 700-900Mb/s are ok.
  16. Du musst das in Relation zu Deiner LAN Geschwindigkeit sehen. Der Cache wird nur beim Schreiben von NEUEN Dateien benutzt, er sollte möglichst den ankommenden Daten standhalten können. Bei einem 1G LAN schafft das eine SATA SSD locker, bei einem 10G LAN kommen auch einfache NVMe SSDs ins Schwitzen. Für Docker und VMs sind NVMe deutlich besser, denn hier erfolgt der Zugriff ja lokal, ohne LAN Bremse. Ob man wirklich RAID1 braucht, muss jeder selber wissen. Auf jeden Fall halbiert sich dadurch die Schreibrate in den Cache sofort...
  17. Falls es nochmals passieren sollte, empfehle ich erneute Löschung und vielleicht auch das "Einfrieren" auf die stabile Version 2.9.2. Damit hatte ich noch nie Ärger (mit Nachfolgern aber reichlich). Also mal im Hinterkopf behalten...
  18. Ich benutz den npm (official) hab aber die Version auf 2.9.2 eingefroren
  19. Ja, dann wird es wohl so sein, dass certbot GLAUBT, er würde schon laufen. Irgendeine Lockdatei in /tmp oder so (keine Ahnung, das weis nur certbot allein, bzw. der Docker Ersteller). Ich hab hier ne uralte NPM Version (irgendwann empfand ich die Updates als kontraproduktiv), deshalb kann ich hier nur bedingt weiterhelfen.
  20. wie man unschwer aus dem syslog lesen kann, läuft da schon ein anderer renew task. Und dann gilt das Highlander Prinzip "es kann nur einen geben!". Also guck, was da noch so rumläuft und schiess ihn ggf ab. Kann auch sein, dass irgendein lockfile klemmt, musste etwas suchen. Tipp: Docker shell aufmachen und die angezeigte Kommandozeile reinpasten. Dann brauchst Du nicht bei jedem Versuch wild in der GUI rumklicken. Tipp2: bei zuviel Fehlversuchen sperrt Dich Letsencrypt für 1/4/8/24 Stunden. Während dieser Zeit ist jeder Versuch sinnlos (gibt aber eine entsprechende Fehlermeldung, so dass man weis, wenn man die Füsse stillzuhalten hat).
  21. If you pool it "the usual way" (aka RAID 1 / Mirror), you will degrate speed to SSD level because writes have to be done on both of the drives. So "the lower lance wins" (for those who still know the game "Joust"). Obviously this is NOT what you like to have...
  22. Yeah, one nice feature of UNRAID: even if you do it wrong, usually there is a way to recover without loss. So in your case, you need to delete the array config and reassign all drives like before again. parity needs rebuilding (because of your format action) read about "new config" in the manual. it is the same like you did at the beginning. Hint: write down the serial numbers of the drives before. Use the same ones for the new config (don't put a data disk as parity or vice versa!!!)
  23. The array shows the emulated data until a rebuild is run. But @itimpi is right, the physical drive could still have the data. In this case you have to use a different procedure. But first check the drive with unassigned devices.