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no docker container will run

Go to solution Solved by portboy,

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I gave up ….

I’m just testing to move from OMV to unraid.

Very important form e are to migrate all my docker containers.

As first sept I installed portainer without any issue, top!

After this I started to migrate my mosquitto container. So I moved my config folder to the app folder and to be save I run the tool „New Permissions“ and  disabled the cache for appdata.  I setup a new stack in portainer and run it.

This is my stack/compose file:



    container_name: "mosquitto"

    image: "eclipse-mosquitto:latest"


      - "/mnt/user/appdata/mosquitto/config/mosquitto.conf:/mosquitto/config/mosquitto.conf"

      - "/mnt/user/appdata/mosquitto/data:/mosquitto/data"

      - "/mnt/user/appdata/mosquitto/log:/mosquitto/log"

      - "/etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro"

    network_mode: bridge


      - "1883:1883"

      - "9001:9001"   

    restart: always

So very simple

The container started but mosquito wont run. The log shows the error: “No log line matching the '' filter” – so not able to write to log file.

I tested some other container/config, no one will run.

I think I have an issue with the access rights to the files/folders.

But I don’t know how to fix it …

What can I do?




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Do the following:

  • Remove all the docker containers.
  • Delete all the appdata container folders.
  • Re-install docker containers again.

Do not run the "New Permissions" the appdata folder permissions are controlled by the docker containers and running "New Permissions" will create issues with the container permissions.  The docker containers will handle the permissions.

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I've done this several times without success.

To test my UNRAID config I used the App "mosquitto official" which installs a docker container too.

No success. The app just create folders but no config. So the container don't start.


It's very strange. I think I must have a faulty UNRAID config wich is the real root cause.

But where ....


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