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Sudden random reboots

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Hello community,


Unraid is running on a Qnap TVS-872XT, not connected to the internet. All of a sudden (yesterday, 27-09-2022 at around 17:30 and today 28-09-2022 at around 04:00) the server just restarts. There is an unclen shutdown as the parity check is kicked on everytime.


The syslog is already writing to the flashdrive (better be safe) but I haven´t put much statpoints in my syslog-reading-skill.


Your help is very much appreciated und thanks in advance!! Unraidversion is 6.10.3.


Find attached the diagnostic files.


Greetings from sunny Vienna.



Edited by kaiserfranzjosef
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Thank you.


The threead you linked contains a lot of transcoding talk, plex, etc. I dont use my server for this at all. Its basically just a huge fileserver (the docker containers are just testprojects and will be removed in the future).


I run the server headless, only webgui login and sometimes I use the terminal.


Are you suggesting an upgrade to 6.11?

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Well, the blacklisting of the i915 driver didnt work. (Assuming I did it the correct way: open terminal and type "touch /boot/config/modprobe.d/i915.conf". I then checked the "System Devices" and under the vidoe controlller there was no mentioning of a i915 kernel driver in use.)


The server just rebootet again.


Find attatched the diagnostics and the syslog file from the usb flash drive.


All input is much appreciated!

Greetings from Vienna


stammhirn-diagnostics-20221003-1832.zip syslog-

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When nothing is logged it points to a hardware problem, and hence very difficult to diagnose remotely, one thing you can try is to boot the server in safe mode with all docker/VMs disable, let it run as a basic NAS for a few days, if it still crashes it's likely a hardware problem, if it doesn't start turning on the other services one by one.

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