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Unraid won't distribute to other drives on the share

Go to solution Solved by itimpi,

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See attached for settings. Have a new basic install of Unraid (up to date) and a basic user share for Media.

  • Problem 1: It's not respecting the "Minimum free space" allocation. It fills the entire first drive up.
  • Problem 2: When copying a list of files via Windows explorer (I have the share mapped to a network drive), it gives the error not enough space and it won't write to any of the other drives that are a part of the share.


I've repeatedly deleted the extra files filling up the space and tried altering the free space followed by a server reboot but it never respects the setting and still won't write to the other drives like it should be.






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  • Solution

It is probably your very restrictive value for the shares Split Level setting that is causing your problem.   The Split Level setting will over-ride the Allocation method and Minimum Free Space setting in the event of contention between them as to what drive  to use (as documented here in the online documentation accessible via the ‘Manual’ link at the bottom of the GUI or the DOCS link at the top of each forum page).

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How would that be possible though with multiple files of different sizes? Say I have 10 movies I'm copying over, all 10 are different sizes. Splitting at the top level (just the folder they are in, nothing else is inside the folder except the MKV file), why wouldn't it stop when a single file goes over the limit?


Moreover, why is splitting at the top level even an option if we can't use it like this? I shouldn't be forced to use "Split at any level" as my only choice for multiple drives in a share.

Edited by Arkanor
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55 minutes ago, Arkanor said:

just the folder they are in

And those folders go directly in the media share? If yes make sure the folders don't already exist, some utilities like for example rsync or krusader create all the folders first, so they would be created on the first available disk, and then because of the split level all contents would be forced there.

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I don't use those utilities, only Windows explorer. I set it to "Split any directory as required" and it's now using the other drives. It would be helpful though if in the Unraid UI when you click on the split level to bring up the blue info section, it would say right in there that the split level takes precedence over both the minimum free space & the allocation method and also gave the same link itimpi gave.

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