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NFS share

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I have many small files in my unraid server and it is very slow. I want to see nfs share makes a difference.

Is there any guides how I can setup nfs share(with read/write) on unraid and access it in my local network (192.168.x.x) from windows machines?

I changed the nfs settings to on.

Changed one of my shares under Shares tab to NFS -  export -yes and changed SMB -  export -no.

However, I cannot see the share under networks when I am checking it windows machines.



Thank you.



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I can not provide you with a guide to setting up NFS but I will give a few hints as to what you must do.


First thing so to turn on support for NFS in Windows.   Open up Control Panel, then Programs and Features, then click on "Turn Windows feature on and off" in the left pane.  Scroll down until you find "Services for NFS" and turn it on.  A reboot may be required.   (Note:  This option is available for Windows Pro but I am not sure about Windows Home...)


The Google for how to set up the NFS client to link it to a Linux NFS share.  (It can be for setting up the connection to any version of Linux.  Unraid fits in that category.)

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4 hours ago, oerdem19 said:

Thank you for your guidance.

Anyone can tell me where to enter export commands in unraid?

Like: rw,sync,no_root_squash,all_squash


Nfs options under shares does not seem to have additional fields to enter.


Thank you.

Set "Security" to "Private" and click "Apply".  You'll then see a "Rule" line.

Screenshot 2022-10-11 220041.png

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