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Unraid ruined my external (usb) toshiba 2Tb drive!. Not happy rant!

Go to solution Solved by PhilipJFry,

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Hi Unraid,

(to be more specific re the title, an external usb drive connected to my unraid server has disappeared).

This is a rant and doesn't necessarily need a reply, but I just need to vent my disappointment.

Yesterday afternoon I attached a 2TB drive and started the long process (via Krusader) of copying (not moving because the unassigned devices plugin for hfsplus can't deal with permissions properly... but that's another story) files from the USB to the Array.

Later the parity drive scheduled kicked in, and obviously the copy process slowed overnight.

This morning, when i look at the usb drive... its... sigh.... empty and of zero bytes..... like ... whatttt...(the Krusader console also compained of some inaccessible files/folders).

Unmounts, reboots and unplugging revealed same....  (another big sigh)... 

Darn... wish that didn't happen.... 

Rant over.

Edited by PhilipJFry
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16 hours ago, itimpi said:

If you were simply copying off the external drive, then whatever happened to it is nothing to do with Unraid - sounds as if the USB drive might have a problem?

Have you tried power cycling everything - that can sometimes help with this sort of problem.

Sadly power cycling did nothing. The drive no longer mounts. As far as Unraid is concerned, its a 2TB drive with 0 bytes.

Plugging into an iMac was similar, in that Disk Utility shows the external usb 3.0 media, but the physical volume remains unmountable.

I'm not saying that Unraid did it, or damaged the FAT. Its just very coincidental that it happened when plugged into it and during a parity check.

This is not the 1st time i have seen this. Had similar with a 4TB WD drive on an alternative NAS software and different hardware.


Yup, the USB interface in general for serial comms is somewhat....  less robust that say direct SATA. Sadly, the USB interface in this instance is part of the whole HD circuitry.


On well, lesson learnt.... I should have copied using an iMac across the network 🙂

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