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512/4K Disk Mounting - Array Migration - Very scared! :-)


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Hi Folks


I've recently prep'd a new i7 12700 based device with 8X SATA ports.


My original server is a HP with 'enterprise' SAS.  I've moved a LSI SAS card from the HP to my new server to allow me to manually copy the files from each drive (5) (original array had x2 parity too).  All going very nicely until I found I couldn't mount 4 out of the 5 SAS drives via 'unassigned devices' on the new server.


I believe it's a known issue...?



Well I'm feeling very distressed at the moment as I have both servers in bits and disks out! :-)


It looks like there is no way of mounting the original SAS disks outside of an array without reformatting?  QUESTION:  This correct?  Could I potentially look to 'pass-though' to an OS that could read on the new server and then copy my files off?


I thought about the following solution.  Can someone sanity check it?


Whilst I assume I could put the disks back in the original server and mount, this isn't going to get the files on my new server without some further mess of temp keys and network transfers.


Could I create a new ZFS pool as my new, permanent array on my new server and mount FOUR out of the FIVE member disks as a 'new' array to provide an opportunity to copy off the content?  I would only be able to use four initially as the SAS card/cable can only support 4 at a time.  I know I won't have parity protection but would this get me to my data to provide ability to copy?  I could then create a new array when this copy had finished with the remaining 1 single disk.


Would this work or is there 'another way'?  I'm deeply concerned.  Any help greatly appreciated.







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1 hour ago, M0CRT said:

Could I create a new ZFS pool as my new, permanent array on my new server and mount FOUR out of the FIVE member disks as a 'new' array to provide an opportunity to copy off the content? 

What to mean ZFS pool array?


Unraid does not currently support ZFS, you can mount the old disks in the array, together with the new ones if you don't parity installed for now, then copy the data, remove the old disks and add parity.

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Thanks for the response Jorge!  Didn't know I could mix the disks and copy manually...Great idea.


I have actually gone something a little more crazy to get this to work.


ignored ZFS and created my new XFS array...then created an unraid VM and stubbed the LSI card to the VM...created the array with the SAS disks and then mounted a remote share from the VM to the Host... lol.  It's copying...albeit a little slow than natively! :-)

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