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Hot Swap After Preclear


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This is probably obvious but I'm asking to make sure...


While booted, I plugged in some new drives to preclear. Now that it's done, is it okay to unplug them while still booted?

They are not part of the array of course. The SATA ports are AHCI.

(I have a limited number of plugs and want to plug in other new drives to preclear without doing a reboot.)

And when I'm ready to use these precleared drives in the future, will Unraid automatically recognize the preclear signatures still?

Also, would it work on a different Unraid server than the one used to do the preclear?

I've read similar questions but found nothing matching exactly what I described.


Btw, are there any utilities in Windows to do a preclear that would make such a compatible signature? I mean without having to VM an Unraid within Windows. (I did see this asked in another thread, but that was 5 years old.)



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