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Lots of problems after going from 6.8.3 to 6.11.5

Go to solution Solved by JorgeB,

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Hi folks, I'm in need of some help.  I decided that sitting at 6.8.3 wasn't a good idea.  I upgraded to 6.11.5 and the system was very sluggish.  The parity check was running at 50Kb/s.  Remembering the Fix Common Problems mentioned that my controller was problematic (SuperMicro AOC-SASLP-MV8) I swapped in a controller I had bought a couple years ago in case I ran into trouble, a LSI SAS2308 (that what it reports as, but it looks like when I bought it on Ebay it was a 9207-8i controller).  As I recall it was a recommended controller.


With the controller in place, the system came up and was definitely much snappier and acting as I'd expect.  Began a parity check and started seeing a ton of errors.  I checked and then even changed cables, restarted, but the problems persisted.  It seems like they're all happening on my newer and larger 6TB+ HGST drives and 14TB Toshiba parity drive.  Prior to these changes my monthly parity check is always clean.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.  


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