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[Semi-Solved] [6.11.x/6.12.x] [Bug] System Fans stopped after a few hours (ASUS Mainboard) Linux 5.17 driver - ASUS WMI Driver issue

Go to solution Solved by kazi,

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On a Biostar X370GTN I've been fighting this issue for a long LONG time. Checking the logs I always saw:

thermal_zone0: acpitz: critical temperature reached, shutting down

Since the critical trip point is set to 127 degrees, this is VERY concerning.


cat /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/trip_point_0_temp

So I started logging stuff via NetData & HomeAssistant. But the data was always inconclusive or gone from the moment the suposed overheat happened.
Tonight I managed to catch it whilst it was happening.

At first thought that the fan sensors were giving incorrect data, as they all read 0 RPM and going to   Settings > System Temp   the Array fan speed was completely blank. So I physically checked the fans and I was shocked to find them totally still. I hastily rebooted the system cuz it apparently had been running at 97°C for 45 minutes.




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