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Red X on Parity Drive

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Happy Turkey Day everyone! I logged into my unraid UI today after not logging in for a few weeks and was looking to run a backup before potentially upgrading to 6.11.5 (I'm on 6.11.1). I saw a Red X on one of my parity drives. I run a dual-parity setup, so not too stressed out (yet) and the drives are under warranty, but I'd be curious if anybody can see anything in the attached diagnostics that would point to why the drive is marked with an X (the SMART log for the drive, also attached, didn't have much since it couldn't connect to the drive, it says). 

storage-diagnostics-20221124-1024.zip storage-smart-20221124-1016.zip

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Disk dropped offline so there's no SMART, but this is usually a power/connection problem, check/replace cables and post new diags.


5 minutes ago, jakeortman said:

I logged into my unraid UI today after not logging in for a few weeks

You should enable system notifications so you are notified as soon as there's a problem.

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59 minutes ago, JorgeB said:

Disk dropped offline so there's no SMART, but this is usually a power/connection problem, check/replace cables and post new diags.


You should enable system notifications so you are notified as soon as there's a problem.

Will shut it down and check wiring later tonight. I think that drive is directly connected to the SATA port on my server while the other parity is connected to the SuperMicro backplane, so that makes sense it might have come loose.


And email notifications have been setup now. Thanks for the reminder as I'd been meaning to do that 🙂

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