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Having issues with Files that are either long or that have äöü or spaces in the names


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Dear Community,

I think I am not alone with this - I noticed issues when opening PDF files (and other files too) if they contain äöü or that have spaces in the names inside or if they are longer.

It helps most of the time if I rename the files to shorter names and avoid spaces from the unraid command line. Outside the command line I will receive that the file does not exist for the Mac. It is no issue on the Windows side I think.

It's a bit odd - I am running the latest MacOS Ventura and the user is accessed the same. I thought at first the files were damaged in some way but the same files downloaded and stored on the share display ok on the windows side.

It's just one of the odd things that I noticed and I wonder if other unraid users experience also inaccessible files. Same files have issues when trying to access from iOS via the files App. 

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