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[Resolved] Unraid needs multiple reboots to start and dockers unavailable

Go to solution Solved by Lawllipops,

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I recently got back from a trip so my machine was turned off for a little over a month. 

I turned it on and one thing I planned was to convert my cache drives to xfc instead btrfs. 

I was able to do that but I woke up to my machine not working (as in I wasn’t able to connect to the gui) 


I restarted my machine but on boot up I got the errors 

1) usb x-x.x: disable of device-(u1/u2) failed

2) usb x-x.x: device not accepting address

3, error 62 3) usb x-x.x device not responding to setup address unraid

(don’t remember the usb number but found someone else with the same error message)


i read this could be due to the usb port as I am using a 32gb Samsung flash drive and so I’ve been moving it into different usb slots and eventually got the machine to boot 


but all the dockers seem to be unavailable (see attached)


i was able to get the system logs but the diagnostic file wouldn’t download. (Or I got too impatient to wait for it to finish)


I restarted and tried to do the memtest but it wouldn’t work so now I’m back up but in safe mode. 

any help on what the issue might be. I will try and get diagnostics from the safe mode





Edited by Lawllipops
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