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WebUI breaks when running Docker service

Go to solution Solved by JorgeB,

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Hi everyone,


I'm having some troubles to use the webUI whenever I enable Docker. I have two NICs, one ethernet with an static IP set to and the other one is a Mellanox 10G with an static IP set to I have used both cards without any problem for a few months and the webUI was loading on the first one, so if tried to access using, everything worked.

But I don't know what I've done that the does not work anymore once I start the docker service. I can still get access to the webUI using the ip but I can not get access to any docker container because all of them use the ip.

The only thing that I changed was the naming of the interfaces on settings (I've already set them to empty again and it keeps failing).


This is how I have configured my network:





And this is the docker settings:



I've updated to the lastest version (6.11.5) and everything keeps failing, I don't know where else to look at.

I hope someone can figure out what's going on,





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Thanks for your reply,

I tried disabling the bridge and renaming the network.cfg file and it keeps failing.

I had to reconfigure my eth0 using the instructions here for setting an static IP: https://wiki.unraid.net/Configuration_Tutorial

After that I was able to connect using the UI from my main PC but once the docker service starts it stops responding, even if there is no container running.


If I stop the docker service once it hangs, I'm not able to reconnect either, the only solution is to reboot, or change the static IP of my eth0 to something else (I was able to do this using the IP from my other NIC)



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I has worked!, I tried removing all the unused custom networks and it was still failing, but once I removed the one in use (in my case proxynet) it has started working again.

It's a bit weird since I have not touch this custom network in a while. I'll try to reconfigure it again and if it fails at least I know where to look at.

I've also set the ipvlan, I've seen that it's the default since 6.11.5


Thanks a lot!


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