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ddrescure & 24hrs later, Fix Common Problems: /var/log is getting full (currently 100 % used)

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I need to try to rescue failed 4TB HDD and copy it onto an 8TB HDD.

I ssh'ed into Unraid, triple-checked the /dev/sdX and /dev/sdY source and destination devices, and ran 

root@Tower:~# ddrescue -f /dev/sdf /dev/sdb /boot/ddrescue.log



Now 24hrs later, the "Fix Common Problems" CA is complaining: "/var/log is getting full (currently 100 % used)" and recommends posting diagnostics, which I will attach.


Also ,

ps -aux

does not show any ddrescue command process running, but "sudo ps -a" shows it.

root@Tower:~# sudo ps -a
  PID TTY          TIME CMD
 8633 pts/0    00:00:00 sudo
 8634 pts/0    00:00:00 ps
23977 pts/1    00:01:12 ddrescue
root@Tower:~# sudo ps 23977
23977 pts/1    D+     1:12 ddrescue -f /dev/sdf /dev/sdb /boot/ddrescue.log
root@Tower:~# ps gv
23977 pts/1    D+     1:12      0    81  5970  1952  0.0 ddrescue -f /dev/sdf /dev/sdb /boot/ddrescue.log


What's happening? Should I continue waiting? Clear var/log?

Any recommendations?

I really appreciate any help, ideas, or insight :-)




ddrescue through NerdTools PlugIn was installed and ran through ssh:

~:ra_bliss$ ssh unraid
Linux 5.19.14-Unraid.
root@Tower:~# ddrescue -f /dev/sdf /dev/sdb /boot/ddrescue.log
GNU ddrescue 1.26
Press Ctrl-C to interrupt
     ipos:        0 B, non-trimmed:        0 B,  current rate:       0 B/s
     opos:        0 B, non-scraped:        0 B,  average rate:       0 B/s
non-tried:    4000 GB,  bad-sector:        0 B,    error rate:       0 B/s
     ipos:   10211 MB, non-trimmed:   524288 B,  current rate:       0 B/s
     opos:   10211 MB, non-scraped:        0 B,  average rate:       0 B/s
non-tried:    4000 GB,  bad-sector:        0 B,    error rate:    524 kB/s
     ipos:  521058 MB, non-trimmed:   968704 B,  current rate:       0 B/s
     opos:  521058 MB, non-scraped:        0 B,  average rate:       0 B/s
non-tried:    4000 GB,  bad-sector:        0 B,    error rate:    444 kB/s
     ipos:    1081 GB, non-trimmed:    1284 kB,  current rate:       0 B/s
     opos:    1081 GB, non-scraped:        0 B,  average rate:       0 B/s
non-tried:    4000 GB,  bad-sector:        0 B,    error rate:    315 kB/s
     ipos:    3961 GB, non-trimmed:    2928 kB,  current rate:       0 B/s
     opos:    3961 GB, non-scraped:        0 B,  average rate:       0 B/s
non-tried:    4000 GB,  bad-sector:        0 B,    error rate:    315 kB/s
  rescued:        0 B,   bad areas:        0,        run time:          8s
pct rescued:    0.00%, read errors:      109,  remaining time:         n/a
                              time since last successful read:         n/a
Copying non-tried blocks... Pass 1 (forwards)
     ipos:   40042 kB, non-trimmed:    7823 kB,  current rate:       0 B/s
     opos:   40042 kB, non-scraped:        0 B,  average rate:       0 B/s
non-tried:    4000 GB,  bad-sector:        0 B,    error rate:    602 kB/s
  rescued:        0 B,   bad areas:        0,        run time:         15s
pct rescued:    0.00%, read errors:      218,  remaining time:         n/a
                              time since last successful read:         n/a
Copying non-tried blocks... Pass 2 (backwards)
     ipos:   67112 MB, non-trimmed:   67118 MB,  current rate:       0 B/s
     opos:   67112 MB, non-scraped:        0 B,  average rate:       0 B/s
non-tried:    3933 GB,  bad-sector:        0 B,    error rate:    917 kB/s
  rescued:        0 B,   bad areas:        0,        run time: 20h 30m 53s
pct rescued:    0.00%, read errors:  1024248,  remaining time:         n/a
                              time since last successful read:         n/a
Copying non-tried blocks... Pass 5 (forwards)


and it has been like this for about 24 hrs, when I started the command.


What do?



SMART report of failed drive.

I go to Main Dev 1 -> Self-Test - > Download SMART Report and click Download and it gives me this txt below the "---":


smartctl 7.3 2022-02-28 r5338 [x86_64-linux-5.19.14-Unraid] (local build)
Copyright (C) 2002-22, Bruce Allen, Christian Franke, www.smartmontools.org

Device Model:     ST4000DM005
Serial Number:    ZDH0ZL81
LU WWN Device Id: 5 000c50 0a2390001
Firmware Version: 0001
User Capacity:    4,000,787,030,016 bytes [4.00 TB]
Sector Size:      512 bytes logical/physical
Rotation Rate:    7200 rpm
Device is:        Not in smartctl database 7.3/5405
ATA Version is:   ATA8-ACS T13/1699-D revision 4
SATA Version is:  SATA 3.0, 6.0 Gb/s
Local Time is:    Sat Dec  3 07:29:36 2022 PST
SMART support is: Available - device has SMART capability.
SMART support is: Enabled
AAM feature is:   Unavailable
APM feature is:   Unavailable
Rd look-ahead is: Enabled
Write cache is:   Enabled
DSN feature is:   Unavailable
ATA Security is:  Disabled, NOT FROZEN [SEC1]
Read SCT Status failed: scsi error badly formed scsi parameters
Wt Cache Reorder: Unknown (SCT Feature Control command failed)

Read SMART Data failed: scsi error badly formed scsi parameters

SMART Status command failed: scsi error badly formed scsi parameters
SMART overall-health self-assessment test result: UNKNOWN!
SMART Status, Attributes and Thresholds cannot be read.

Read SMART Log Directory failed: scsi error badly formed scsi parameters

ATA_READ_LOG_EXT (addr=0x00:0x00, page=0, n=1) failed: scsi error badly formed scsi parameters
Read GP Log Directory failed

SMART Extended Comprehensive Error Log (GP Log 0x03) not supported

Read SMART Error Log failed: scsi error badly formed scsi parameters

SMART Extended Self-test Log (GP Log 0x07) not supported

Read SMART Self-test Log failed: scsi error badly formed scsi parameters

Selective Self-tests/Logging not supported

Read SCT Status failed: scsi error badly formed scsi parameters

Read SCT Status failed: scsi error badly formed scsi parameters
SCT (Get) Error Recovery Control command failed

Device Statistics (GP/SMART Log 0x04) not supported

Pending Defects log (GP Log 0x0c) not supported

ATA_READ_LOG_EXT (addr=0x11:0x00, page=0, n=1) failed: scsi error badly formed scsi parameters
Read SATA Phy Event Counters failed




Fix Common Problems CA tower diagnostics



Edited by ra_bliss
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  • ra_bliss changed the title to ddrescure & 24hrs later, Fix Common Problems: /var/log is getting full (currently 100 % used)
2 hours ago, JorgeB said:

If this is still at zero after 24H I would guess it won't work, disk might be too damaged for recovery.


Do you think a professional service would be able to get everything modified in the last 6 months? Might not be worth it even if they could. I'll have to think if I have any super important things from last 6 months.


Also, I am going to restart and try ddrescue one more time just in case, maybe do some more reading on ddrescue options first.

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