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Possible to stream movies from Unraid Server to PS3?


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I'd like to know if anyone can tell me if it's possible to stream movies from my Unraid Server to a PS3?  I was either thinking of rebuilding my HTPC.  But since the PS3 is also a Blue Ray player and upconverts regular dvd's I thought it might be worth looking into as a HTPC replacement.  Has anyone been able to do this or know if it's even possible?

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That's going to depend upon the apps available to run on PS3.  I don't know much about PS3... I have worked with several 'modded' classic XBoxes however.  If you run XBMC, it's super-easy to stream ripped DVD's from unRaid.  In nearly any format thinkable as well.  I stream ISO's directly to the XBox (XBMC).


So if there is an XBMC equivalent for PS3, you should have no probelm at all.



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I'm also wondering this as I'm in the market for both a gaming console (want to game in theater) and a media streaming front end for my theater (presently use a laptop as HTPC but it's a hassle to do setup/tear down). The thread linked to below from AVS suggests that it's doable if you run twonkyvision (not free) on the unRAID (there's a link there to the lime wiki showing how to do this) for UPnP and basically, yeah it should work.


Main question: is anyone doing this? My goal is to run MKVs (preferably without the lengthy transcoding process, but just tweaking the files to be PS3-compatible mp4 h.264 files, hopefully with the 5.1 in tact.


Input appreciated!


AVS link:



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