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Device Eth0 does not exist

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Please don't flame me, I'm as green as grass with unraid and network setups.


I built my home buisness unraid server for secure backup and was working great. I randomly had an issue the other day when I fired up the server that it said Device eth0 does not exist. I reset the server and it worked fine. 

Fast foward to today and I have changed over my hardware into a case that will hold the ammount of drives I need and now the issue is persisting continuously. I'm at a bit of a loss. I will upload diagnostic now for hope in assistance

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The diagnostics say that eth0 does exist.  The syslog says that it does.  Your server has an IP address of  


Exactly what problem are you having?  Where did you see the error message?  Can you get a screen capture/shot of that message?


What is the significance of the two Diagnostics files that you uploaded?  What happened in the one minute between that we are looking for?


You do have this message in the syslog:

Dec 17 18:09:57 Tower  login: pam_unix(login:auth): user [root] has blank password; authenticated without it


Have you established a password for the root user?  (If case you don't know, 'root' is the administrator for your server and I imagine in this case it is you.)  I seem to recall that Unraid is getting bit more insistent that the server have a password for 'root' and may not behave properly until you establish one.  See here:





Edited by Frank1940
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