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Permissions Issue Impacting Radarr, Sonarr, Handbrake

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A couple weeks ago I updated my dockers and after that Sabnzbd stopped working. I was able to get that back, but I noticed that downloads were not being moved upon completion. On top of that, I use Handbrake to encode videos in a watch folder and it was no longer able to access those either. Radar and Sonarr are throwing the error "Import failed, path does not exist or is not accessible by Radarr" and Handbrake "not readable, check permissions." I've found similar issues on forums but fixes in those are not working for me. Attached is my diagnostics file. Thank you for your help!


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Chances are you have permission issues from the point at which the file was created.   You should give an example of the permissions on a file (and it’s containing folder) that has this issue so we can check out this theory as this information is not in the diagnostics.   If this is the case then you need to work out what needs setting in the container(s) creating these files to avoid such permission issues occurring in the first place.

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Run the following command from the terminal  that is a part of the GUI:

ls -al /mnt/user

This will give an output that looks like this:



You then push the <UP-ARROW> on the keyboard.  Edit (by adding to) the path and navigate down to the directory which has the problem.  (Capitalization is important with Linux.  IF you have a <SPACE> in a directory, you must type a      \           before the space!!!) 


Do a screen capture of the directory with the problem.  (Screen captures are preferred.  If you must capture text, be sure to format it as Code---   The   </>     on the reply format toolbar.) 

Edited by Frank1940
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OK.  Now run that command on the downloads directory. Post up the screen capture of that command.   Let's see what the permissions for its contents.


Then, I would suggest going to   Tools    >>>   New Permissions    against only the   downloads    Share.  That will probably fix it for time being. 


You next need to determine what Dockers (or VMs) write to the directory. After rereading your first post, make sure that list includes any Dockers that work with the data inside of that Share. 

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I am assuming that Screen capture was before you run the New Permissions tool. 


Hopefully, running that tool did fix the permissions on   unzipped torrents   directory and the owner/group on the  YT  directory.  


With Dockers, you want the Docker to write to all Unraid Shares and Data Disks as  'nobody'  (PUID = 99) as the owner and 'users' (GUID = 100) as the group.   The permission for all directories should be 777 and for files should be 666.   (I have reason to suspect that these are not the default permissions for a 'normal user' in other Linux distributions for security reasons.)    There is a third parameter called UMASK and I believe this should be set to 000.  Look at your Docker configuration  and see if you have 'Container variables'   for PUID, GUID and UMASK.  If so make a note of their current settings and change them as indicated above to see  if that will fix things.  


Now, I know that the owner does not have to be 'nobody' for SMB to work properly.  I am not completely certain about the group having to be 'users'.  However, I do know that all of the 'Share Access Users' that write to my Unraid Shares are members of the 'users' (GUID = 100) group.  I have reason to suspect that the permissions for 'others' are involved in controlling access to Unraid shares via SMB but no real information as to how.


I am no Docker expert but I suspect that a lot of the Dockers in the repository are not really being thoroughly tested to make sure that they work properly with Unraid.  IF they were, we would not be seeing owners not being 'nobody', groups not being 'users' and permissions not being 777 or 666...

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The screenshot of the downloads share list is actually from after running the New Permissions command. unzipped\ torrents is still incorrect as well as the owner/group of YT.


Sonarr and Radarr all have the correct values for PUID, GUID and UMASK. Handbrake didn't have those values at all, so I have set them up. With that added, Handbrake still can't read the file and Radarr did not automatically move a movie I tested last night.


What's so odd about all of this is that I had no issues for year's and then I updated some dockers and now everything is broken. Really appreciating your help on this, Frank!

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46 minutes ago, chickpea said:

The screenshot of the downloads share list is actually from after running the New Permissions command. unzipped\ torrents is still incorrect as well as the owner/group of YT.

Surprising!  I wonder if a Docker (or some other process) has got them permanently open.  You might also want to go further down the directory tree of those two directories and see what you find with regard to owner/group and permissions.  You might try stopping the Dockers and run the script again.  Check before you restart the Docker to see what happens regarding this situation.  


49 minutes ago, chickpea said:

Sonarr and Radarr all have the correct values for PUID, GUID and UMASK. Handbrake didn't have those values at all, so I have set them up. With that added, Handbrake still can't read the file and Radarr did not automatically move a movie I tested last night.


What's so odd about all of this is that I had no issues for year's and then I updated some dockers and now everything is broken. Really appreciating your help on this, Frank!

What I would do at this point is to go to the support threads and see if you can get help there.  You can get to the support thread by clicking on the individual Docker icon on the Docker Container page and looking for  Support  in the dropdown menu.  Hopefully, someone there will be able to help you.


The old updated-and-now-it-doesn't-work saga is an very old one.  I am usually hesitant to update but, eventually, I succumb and pray for the best.  (Being too far behind has its risks too.)  Unraid has been updating its security approach recently.  (Pressure being brought on two fronts--  The folks who want to use it an business environment and those who want to use Unraid with its VM feature and use the hardware as their personal PC as well as a simple NAS.  Both of these groups want a secured and locked down system for protection against the bad guys!)  These Unraid upgrades may have broken the Dockers you are having problems with.  Plus, there are the security updates are in the Linux kernel which address CVEs over which Unraid has no real control if Unraid is to have a secure software base. 

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Stopped all dockers and reran the command to the same effect. Thank you so much for talking me through everything! I shall head over to the specific threads as you said.


I also tend to hold off on upgrading because of things being prone to breaking. I foolishly did the upgrades when I was in the middle of a big project. Live and learn haha. Cheers!

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