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Unraid 6.11.5 - Suddently some Dockers can't write to DBs


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Hello Everyone,


I'm facing a strange issue.

Since a couple of days, I've noticed strange problems with some of my Dockers (not checked all of them).

SONARR & NetCloud were suddenly not able to write to the their Databases.


In Sonarr I've received :

Search failed because its attempt to write a readonly database attempt to write a readonly database. Try refreshing the series info and verify the necessary information is present before searching again


Also in NextCloud it seems that the whole folder where it's installed is now "read-only".


Does anyone know what I could check or do to fix the problem?


Thanks alot.


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7 minutes ago, TDA said:

So I've checked the folders on the share.

They are all owner by a different user suddenltly.

I don't know how this is even possible.


Ok the problem is definitly, that for no reason (I don't get why and HOW it has happend) all (or most) folder have suddently OWNED by:



This is a user I made exclusivly for Jdownloader.


I think I'll have to run the NEWPERMS on my appdata to take it back to normlity, and then checking each docker to see if it was configured with a specific user...


I don't really get how this ownership takeover was even possible.


Edited by TDA
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