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[SUPPORT] Bversluis/ Onedrive

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Has anyone else just updated this container and struggling to keep it running? I start the container and moments later, it stopped. Nothing in the logs seems to explain why. I get a message saying I require a --resync. I can't open the console from the container as it won't run. How do I run the --resync? I tried opening Unraid terminal and typing onedrive --resync but it tells me it's an unknown command.

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On 9/16/2024 at 6:03 PM, bigrizz said:

Has anyone else just updated this container and struggling to keep it running? I start the container and moments later, it stopped. Nothing in the logs seems to explain why. I get a message saying I require a --resync. I can't open the console from the container as it won't run. How do I run the --resync? I tried opening Unraid terminal and typing onedrive --resync but it tells me it's an unknown command.

Same Issue here....

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The container stops with the following log output after the first sync run:

Attempting to perform a database vacuum to optimise database
Database vacuum is complete
core.time.TimeException@/usr/lib/ldc/x86_64-linux-gnu/include/d/std/datetime/systime.d(9101): Invalid ISO Extended String: 2024-Sep-19 17:22:58.440
??:? [0x55e4b1223da5]
??:? [0x55e4b1220a31]
??:? [0x55e4b1220692]
??:? [0x55e4b1246eef]
??:? [0x55e4b1246f5d]
??:? [0x55e4b123660e]
??:? [0x55e4b122d6e7]
??:? [0x55e4b122cb8a]
??:? [0x55e4b12bde1a]
??:? [0x55e4b12bb54e]
??:? void rt.dmain2._d_run_main2(char[][], ulong, extern (C) int function(char[][])*).runAll() [0x14a210b9db7b]
??:? _d_run_main2 [0x14a210b9d995]
??:? _d_run_main [0x14a210b9d7ed]
??:? [0x14a21081c249]
??:? __libc_start_main [0x14a21081c304]
??:? [0x55e4b1202100]


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onedrive docker asking for --resync in endless loop



I have the problem that I run onedrive docker on Unraid since years, but after the last update its asking for a --resync because the config files was changed.


I let the config file unchanged and started docker with ONEDRIVE_RESYNC=1. After it was synced and finished, I removed ONEDRIVE_RESYNC=1 and restarted onedrive docker. But its aksing again for --resync as the config file was changed, but it was not changed. I tried this already several times. It finishes with "Sync with Microsoft OneDrive is complete"



# Running container as user: onedrive

# Base Args: --monitor

# We are being verbose

# Adding --verbose

# Changing ownership permissions on /onedrive/data and /onedrive/conf to onedrive:onedrive

# Launching 'onedrive' as onedrive via gosu

Reading configuration file: /onedrive/conf/config

Configuration file successfully loaded

Using 'user' configuration path for application config and state data: /onedrive/conf

An application configuration change has been detected where a --resync is required


Unraid 6.12.13 (latest)
onedrive docker driveone/onedrive latest, Sep 19, 2024



It seems that onedrive docker changes the config file itself:


Before start:

-rw------- 1 1997 users 358 Sep 21 13:25 .config.backup

-rw------- 1 1997 nogroup 28 Sep 21 13:25 .config.hash

-rw-r--r-- 1 1997 users 111 **Sep 21 13:59 config**

-rw-r--r-- 1 1997 nogroup 28672 Sep 21 13:25 items.sqlite3

-rw-r--r-- 1 1997 nogroup 32768 Sep 21 13:25 items.sqlite3-shm

-rw-r--r-- 1 1997 nogroup 16274032 Sep 21 14:22 items.sqlite3-wal -

rw------- 1 1997 users 928 Sep 21 13:25 refresh_token

-rw-r--r-- 1 1997 nogroup 1458 Sep 21 14:23 session_upload.2WStbYzhR0xQHpUw

-rw-r--r-- 1 1997 nogroup 1458 Sep 21 14:23 session_upload.6oOmZsewx3BVQNk5

-rw-r--r-- 1 1997 nogroup 1458 Sep 21 14:23 session_upload.hLEsbQDvjaHFc9Su


After start:

-rw------- 1 1997 users 111 Sep 21 14:24 .config.backup

-rw------- 1 1997 nogroup 28 Sep 21 14:24 .config.hash

-rw-r--r-- 1 1997 users 111 **Sep 21 14:24 config**

-rw-r--r-- 1 1997 nogroup 28672 Sep 21 14:24 items.sqlite3

-rw-r--r-- 1 1997 nogroup 32768 Sep 21 14:24 items.sqlite3-shm

-rw-r--r-- 1 1997 nogroup 24752 Sep 21 14:24 items.sqlite3-wal

-rw------- 1 1997 users 928 Sep 21 14:24 refresh_token


I already asked this question on: 


and abraunegg answered me:



"I need to 100% correct your understanding here - the Docker container that is pulled from here: https://hub.docker.com/r/driveone/onedrive - does not - under any circumstance update, or write the config file."



Anyone an idea?

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On 9/17/2024 at 2:03 AM, bigrizz said:

Has anyone else just updated this container and struggling to keep it running? I start the container and moments later, it stopped. Nothing in the logs seems to explain why. I get a message saying I require a --resync. I can't open the console from the container as it won't run. How do I run the --resync? I tried opening Unraid terminal and typing onedrive --resync but it tells me it's an unknown command.

I have the same problem.


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On 9/17/2024 at 2:03 AM, bigrizz said:

Has anyone else just updated this container and struggling to keep it running? I start the container and moments later, it stopped. Nothing in the logs seems to explain why. I get a message saying I require a --resync. I can't open the console from the container as it won't run. How do I run the --resync? I tried opening Unraid terminal and typing onedrive --resync but it tells me it's an unknown command.

Try to use 


as extra parameter. That works so far for me, but when disabled the --resync request is there again. Its a kind of loop and I can see that the container changes the config file itself as the date changes. Therefore onedrive thinks, that the config file was changed.

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Its a kind of loop and I can see that the container changes the config file itself as the date changes. Therefore onedrive thinks, that the config file was changed.

Whilst it may be in a loop - your theory that the container changes the config file is 100% inaccurate and false.

The application and/or the Docker container has zero code to write to the 'config' file. The application only ever reads it and closes it post reading it.

This issue you are all facing is something to do with how the Docker container has been integrated with this platform.

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The thing is, that I run onedrive container on Unraid since more than 2 years now. And i run several other docker containers on my system. I tested already yesterday, but its clear: ondrive docker on Unraid changes the config file. 


I tested with 2 onedrive installations and both change the date/time of the config file.


I tested with other docker containers and checked, if they change the config file, but the do not.


Therefore I think its a problem with this docker image.

And if you see above, other user have the same problem: @Cheeshead @bigrizz


The files are located on 2 WD black NVME 4 TB drives in a mirrored cache group.

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Therefore I think its a problem with this docker image.

As the developer of the 'onedrive' application used within the Docker container, I know what the code of the application does. As the provider of the Docker image https://hub.docker.com/r/driveone/onedrive I also know what it does - which is it only uses a Docker volume to read a 'config' file if it exists, and to store the online cache file and your access token to the OneDrive service.

Neither the application or the Docker container writes a 'config' file. The application 'only' reads it if it exists.

Who ever implemented this in this platform, something with that integration is modifying the 'config' file each and every time - it is not the 'onedrive' binary or the Docker container.

Edited by abraunegg
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