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Long time unraid user coming back. Need to migrate from Google Drive

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Hey guys. Little back story, I used unRAID for years and then through a series of unfortunate events while relocating for work I got ransomware


I didn't really have the upload bandwidth to support Plex anymore, so I took the opportunity to lease a hetzner server with synchronous gig. I've been using that for about 4 years


Now I have fiber in my area and am considering moving everything back in house. 


Looks like not much has changed with unRAID from a hardware recommendation perspective. I found some refurbished 18T drives that should work fine and I'll use a similar Norco to my last one. Need to store roughly 130TB.  The only changes I'll make are probably dual parity, and some kind of cache fault tolerance


The question is, how easy is it to migrate that much data from a Google team drive with service accounts?  What kind of download limits am I looking at?  And should keep Google for $12 per month as a disaster plan?  In that case I'd be looking for bidirectional sync, which I believe rclone supports 

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