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(Issue) Custom SSL Certificate - Cloudflare Wildcard Cert for Unraid UI

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I use Cloudflare and have a wildcard certificate that is tied to my domain name.  I would like to use this with unraid, but am experiencing issues importing the cert.

When I add the certificate to /boot/config/ssl/certs/hostname_unraid_bundle.pem and navigate to the server in the browser, I get an ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID error.  Inspecting the Cert does show the custom cert in the browser.

I can see it in the /Settings/ManagementAccess page, but it also says: "CA-signed certificate file: Not present"

I found the directions in the wiki, but they are lacking information on how the /boot/config/ssl/certs/hostname_unraid_bundle.pem file should be structured. 
I get separate Certificate, Key & CA files from Cloudflare and I need to combine them into the _unraid_bundle.pem
Also, cloudflare gives me certificates for "Edge", "Origin" and "Client", I'm using the "Origin" certificate.


hostname_unraid_bundle.pem I made:

Origin Certificate
Origin CA certificate  (RSA PEM)
Origin Certificate Private Key



So, am I overlooking something?  Formatting the bundle.pem file wrong?  Using the wrong Cloudflare Cert?

Thanks for the help!


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  • 6 months later...
On 9/3/2023 at 2:51 AM, Drank6362 said:

Hi, did you ever get this resolved?  I am having the same problem.

I did get it working, but I'm not using the cloudflare cert.  I'm using a letsencrypt certificate.  I use ACME on pfsense to automatically generate it, then I use RSYNC once a month to copy that to my unraid server.  (Could also have it generated on your server using various methods)
From there I have the certs installed on unraid using this script I made:



If you don't end up using unraid-install-sslcert.sh I made, you should still get some ideas from it as far as where they need to copied to and how they need to be named.

Edited by samsausages
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