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Unassigned Device plug-in stopped working turning server back on


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im running unraid 6.11.5 with Unassigned plug-in ver 2023.02.20

not sure if it’s since I updated the plug-in but when I turned my server on (I leave it shut down) I can’t see share for my single USB drive (it’s mounted and shared- worked for over a year and plug-in I update regularly) can’t see smb share from windows or my android media player, still see the unraid array folders via smb perfectly though 


I have tried removing and reinstalling plug-in, also plugged a brand new formatted usb drive to test, but still no smb share appears 


Any help appreciated !



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1 hour ago, RaidWong said:

I haven’t changed settings before but flipping SMB security option to ‘Public’ seemed to have solved it ….

At one time I think the default was to export the share to make it visible on the network, but as security has been tightened shares are no longer made visible on the network until you explicitly enable them go be exported 

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