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Restart Woes - Parity Disabled, Wrong or no file system

Go to solution Solved by JorgeB,

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Hi Everyone,

I did a rennovation and moved office.  I shut my array down and it has been offline for a couple of months.

Just gone and fired it up...

I was in a world of pain initially as the system wouldn't boot - I was getting a "Kernal Panic" and system shutdown message.

I've since replaced USB key and updated and now its booting but Parity 1 is disabled, Disk 2 is disabled.

There have been no hardware changes - simply shutdown in storage.

I have attached the diagnostic.

Appreciate any help



Screenshot 2023-02-28 194714.png


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That log looks good :)


Restart the array in normal mode and the drive should mount so see if you now have a lost+found folder on that disk.  That is where the repair process would put anything it found for which it could not figure out the correct name.   Your report looks very clean so there is a good chance no lost+found folder was created.

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The drives being disabled at this point is expected as nothing done so far would remove that state.



Some questions to try and decide what is best as the next steps:

  • The repair on the emulated disk2 seemed to complete without anything suggesting corruption being logged but Disk2 is showing as basically being empty - is this expected? 
  • Did you at any point try to format disk2?  If so was this while it was disabled or before that?
  • Do you have backups of what should be on disk2?
  • Is the drive that should be in disk2 showing up under Unassigned Devices?
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Thanks for helping....

  • Disk 2 utilisation should have been very low... I think I just had the shares set up on fill up mode while I populate the array from other sources.  So it could be it was effectively empty.
  • No format... ever.
  • No backups.
  • No, not in unassigned.


Edited by robr
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