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Disks Not showing in Unassigned Devices

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Long story short, I ended up rebuilding my server from scratch.

A number of disks that were showing up are MIA from Unassigned Devices but still show up in System Devices.

Also, fdisk -l is showing a number (I think these are the MIA ones) as mdx instead of sdx.  I'm fairly ignorant of linux (Sorry MS&Right-Clicker here) but isn't a disk identifier mdx for software RAID and a sdx disk label/identifier is a standard physical disk?


How can I reset these drives and get them back into UD so I can preclear and add them back into my array?




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md devices are those in the parity array and any access includes parity as needed, writes to md devices update parity, and md devices can also be disabled and emulated from parity. These disks also have sd designations.


Don't understand what you are trying to do. According to your diagnostics, your array has 5 data disks assigned, they are all mounted and have data (most-free is the least efficient allocation method).


You also have 2 pools, cache (2x1TB SSD raid1) and transcode(500G nvme).


And there are several unassigned disks.





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Thanks, I've got some reading to do on that but it helps to get that overview.


I'm rebuilding disk by disk, I have gotten through those five drives and a few left to preclear.
Currently, I'm only seeing three additional of my 8TB drives, ZCT039NF/WCT0TPZ8/WCT0FDB9.  But other drives that were present, some partially pre-cleared, have disappeared from Unassigned devices, but are still showing online in Tools>unRAID OS>System Devices.  First on the list is 7SJ2S6YW.  I can kinda validate from the truncated view but looking through fdisk -l, I think I see those drives.  

But my goal is to figure out how/why and get them back into UD so I can preclear them fully and get them back into the array.

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