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No newly installed apps with start correctly. Even reinstalling old apps will work. Anything new will not start

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I recently install Matrix and the admin and was trying to get the stun to work when i noticed that Matrix would no longer start. Uninstalled the app and reinstalled to no avail. Then I realizes that any new app that I installed will do the same immediate crash.


I deleted the docker.img file and completely reinstalled all the apps from the templates. All the old ones before the problem arose will reinstall and work but again (except nextcloud but i'll work that one out later), but any new apps I install from now will never start. No error message popup, they just immediately close.


This is really doing my head in, I cannot for the life of me work out why.  


Is there anyone out there much smarter than me that can take a look at the diagnostics and try and lend me a hand.


Thank you


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10 hours ago, markymark said:

I deleted the docker.img

Are you sure you did that?  The image was initially set at 500G (and mounted as such) and then you changed it to a much more reasonable 50G, but simply lowering it doesn't actually resize it and it needs to have the service stopped, advance view and then delete the image and re-enable it then reinstall

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Yep i don't know why I set it to 500G originally, I must have had a brain fart. Yes, I did stop it and resize and then subsequently created it and then used CA to install them all again. I actually followed ChatGPTs instructions (as it's been pretty accurate on a lot of things like this) but it wasnt quite right and I ended up rebooting the server as a result unexpectedly and also lost my custom network but I'm not sure that would have happened anyway with a deleted docker.img


It turns out last night that I had a post argument on the Matrix Synapse app that was causing it to immediately close and once I worked that out late last night I slapped my head. I was also trying to use files from the previous installation but it needed completely fresh ones which was also casuing issues so once I decided to start from scratch it worked. It must have been a coincidence that another app I chose also chose to immediately fail but it appears that the apps I actually want to install are working and I even got the stun working so happy. I think I remember now that ages ago I had a filled docker.img when it was small and had no idea what to do and so the next time just made it massive. I understand a bit better now. :) Host paths :)


I just need to work out how I nuked my Nextcloud installation now and only get a 503 on the gui. Better go trawling the forum for that one..


Thanks for responding. :)

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