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Cache SSD SMART warning suspicious numbers

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I have just finished the base configuration of my Unraid server.


I've installed a cache SSD from my collection of older drives. These drives were withdrawn from service from my main PC having being collected over the last couple of decades.  I took the newest one (Crucial M500) and placed this into my Unraid server.

SMART is whinging on two drives: the 74GB, 20 year old HDD I've been using to test things like my configuration and HBA before trusting a data drive (expected, it's old), and the SSD. I don't put a great deal of faith in SMART, but the latter was very unexpected.


On the SSD SMART readout:

There's a UDMA CRC error count of 1. This is something I've decided, in my ignorance, to disregard.

There's also a relocate NAND block count of 65536. You read that number right.

The drive life is at 98%. This seems surprisingly good as it was a system drive for many years.


That number of NAND reallocations is suspicious to me. To my mind I might have maxed out the counter or a cluster of blocks has failed together.


Bearing in mind this drive was removed due to numerous problems with my SATA interface on my main PC, which I'd put down to having an ungodly number of drives collected over two decades. I did not bother to look for the root cause and just accepted drive hoarding is unhealthy and replaced the lot with a large SSD and a single backup HDD.

Any insight would be appreciated.

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That's given me all I need, thanks. I have an MX500 as well. I was considering using it (it currently has a functional Windows install to allow me to immediately switch an important machine back to a functional OS) in RAID with the current drive but this one is an older M500. Either way, I think it's safe to say this might be the drive which was causing the Windows issues (it, and other SATA SSDs, were becoming non-visible) and it has a date with the hammer.

Guess I must have done a man-look around the forums...

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Dumped my reply to other thread here for anyone searching.

Just to add to this, I posted about an M500 throwing up SMART weirdness and was directed here. SMART readout below:



I'm finding the reallocate NAND block count very odd.

Also of note, this drive was pulled from my main PC after a series of weird errors where SATA drives weren't being recognised. I had a collection of drives from the past 20 years in there and so I didn't bother to troubleshoot and just bought a new NVMe SSD to consolidate. I then tried this drive (being the largest and newest that wasn't in use) as the cache drive in my Unraid server.


The server is still in testing, but suffice to say this drive has a date with the hammer. Or I may subject it to a worse fate and practice my awful SMD rework skills on it...

Edited by philehidiot
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