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Have two containers with conflicting webui ports

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Hello, I've got two docker containers both trying to listen on 8443, unifi-controller and MineOS-Node.  I figured I'd change the mineos web port to 8444 via the unraid edit, and while it shows the change, the container still spins up on 8443.

My apologies if this is a dumb question, but how can I change that value?

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What is the network mode of the containers? (Specifically MineOS)  This is a very common scenario.


Not quite sure what exactly you're changing, but if you're changing the WebUI entry (eg: http://[IP]:[PORT:8443]) you basically never need to touch the entry ever.


You want to change the Port for the webUI.  Change the host port from 8443 to whatever you want.


Now, if MineOS is in Host networking instead of bridge, then any and all port mappings are ignored by design from docker themselves and you will have the conflict.  It needs to be in bridge to change the host ports being used.

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