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NFS export from Synology to unRAID hangs entire unRAID server


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When I try to export a NFS mount from my Synology server over to my unRAID server, I am able to mount it with no issue.


However, when I try to just do a simple ls to confirm I can see the data in the mount, it just hangs and I am unable to ctrl-c out of it.  If I go to look at the shares on the unRAID server, that also hangs for ~10 minutes and then gives up.


I need some help trying to troubleshoot.  If someone can point me in the right direction on where to look for logs, that could help a bit.  I looked in /var/log/messages  but found nothing so that may be the wrong location.  Let me know.

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I have been able to figure it out.  I disabled jumbo frames (MTU 9000) by setting it back to a MTU size of 1500.  I was then able to utilize the NFS mount as desired.


I do have a few questions though.  Why is it recommended to have a MTU size of 1500?  Is technology better now and MTU 9000 is no longer needed?  It was my thought that a MTU size of 9000 would allow bigger frames to be transmitted at once thereby giving more throughput and utilizing my network bond.


I am running a bond of 4 network ports (at least for now until I can get 10GbE configured) and didn't know if that came into play.

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