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Array health rapport (fail)

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I just got a message that "array health rapport (fail)", during a parity check.

Had a power out in the house.


Parity check said zero errors.


The diagnostics are added here. Would be great if someone more knowledgeable than me 

could have a look to see if all is ok, or if something need attention.


Cheers, Kjetil


Screenshot 2023-04-03 at 22.13.23.png


Edited by Kjetil
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Everything is working fine as of now, but I had the error message.


I did not cut the power myself off course, it was a power out from the electric company.

Backups? Some, but not all. Its 28 disc + 2 parity in the raid, so impossible for me to backup everything.


Was just curios if someone with more technical knowledge than me could take a look at the diagnostics to see if something

need attention...

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Thank you. Here is a copy of the last message, I found no way to download it, so I took a screenshot. Same message as before.

Could it be that one of the disks was hot during the test? I read on the forum that a hot disk might make the status rapport fail.



Screenshot 2023-04-04 at 16.00.30.png

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