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Trying to create a Unraid template for a Dockerhub image

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I am trying to setup this docker image klschaefer/channels-dvr-plex-xmltv-proxy Tags | Docker Hub however when I do it starts on port 80 and port 8080 does not answer. Log shows it listening on port 80


{"EventId":14,"LogLevel":"Information","Category":"Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime","Message":"Now listening on: http://[::]:80","State":{"Message":"Now listening on: http://[::]:80","address":"http://[::]:80","{OriginalFormat}":"Now listening on: {address}"}}


I've specified the WebUI as http://[IP]:[PORT:8080] 

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 docker run -d -p 8080:80 \
    -e "XMLTV_SOURCE=http://ip:8089/devices/ANY/guide/xmltv?duration=1209600" \
    -e "M3U_SOURCE=http://ip:8089/devices/ANY/channels.m3u" \

From the github page linked on the dockerhub page


Did you add the port mapping for some host port mapped to container port 80? 


Also, the webUI entry always refers to the container port.  It does not refer to the host port (ie: for this it will be http://[IP]:[PORT:80])


The OS will automatically handle changing the applicable port to whatever you've mapped

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The container port is NOT 8080.  The container port is 80.  The host port when you add that is 8080, and the webUI as mentioned should be as I wrote above.  You need to remove that port and then re-add it


Also, should be noted that since you're giving the container its own dedicated IP, all the port mappings are ignored anyways.  The container will always use 80.  Port mapping only works (by design) in bridge mode.  It doesn't make much sense to map the ports in any other mode.

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