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100% cpu usage and docker orphans too.

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I am trying to work out why my system locks up every now and then. When this happens the CPU usage shows 100% on all 4 cores. This will continue for a few minutes and then the system comes back down to normal usage.


My system


Intel i5-6600k

16GB memory.


I am only using 30% of the system memory. I'm pretty sure my i5-6600k is plenty for my use case. Only have a few docker containers running and not running any VMs


I have attached my diagnostics. Tried looking through the logs but im not seeing anything.


Hope someone can shed some light on this for me.




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Orphans happen whenever you make a change to a template and the docker run cannot execute for some reason.  It also happens due to a bug in the Apps tab if you update a container from within Apps (and not the docker tab).


Orphans are harmless and take up no real space. (Hence why the CA bug isn't a high priority at the moment)


Are either of these situations applicable to you?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I swapped out the SSD to troubleshoot and this solved the problem. Not sure what caused it in the first place. I have moved away from btrfs as its only a single drive. Could this have been the issue? I am going to put the old ssd into another machine and check for any issues with the drive itself. With the new ssd in all is good!

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