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Weird errors filling up my syslog

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Occassionally, I'll get some errors in my syslog that I can't really decipher. They can occur all together over the span of a few hours every few minutes. I usually go days without any happening. I took an excerpt from it unraid errors.txt. I can't really tell if my unraid has specific problems relating to this, but it seems like the errors shouldn't be there. I did have an issue the other night however where my unraid shares became completely unresponsive, the CPU usage maxed out at 100 and then the webui became unresponsive.


I also have issues with shutting down or restarting my server, it seems to go through the whole process of shutting down, the webui becomes unreachable, but the server never actually turns off, forcing me to hard power it off (which unraid recognises as an unclean shutdown). Not sure if this has any relation either. shutdown problem.txt


I've attached my diagnostics file.


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