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During parity rebuilding of replacement drive, another drive had read errors [SOLVED]

Go to solution Solved by JorgeB,

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I had an old, smaller drive I wanted to replace with a newer, larger drive. I precleared the new drive, shut down the entire server, removed the drive I wanted to replace, and set the new drive in its place. I also pulled one other drive out to check its serial number and re-seated it.

Next I powered up the server, set the new drive to replace the old in the array, and started the rebuild.

I checked the server this morning and it appears that another older drive (not the one I re-seated) has a rack of read errors. Checking some notes I had, it seems that mysterious read errors have hit this drive before, but amounted to nothing as re-seating it resolved those issues at that time.

My problem now is, I want to re-seat or even re-position that drive in the server, but I don't know how to do that without ruining the data rebuild currently in process. Do I need to stop the rebuild, shut down the server, re-seat/reposition/check cables or do whatever physical maintenance this seems to call for, then resume the rebuild, presuming that the "problem" drive is just having physical issues?

Edited by elecgnosis
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  • elecgnosis changed the title to During parity rebuilding of replacement drive, another drive had read errors [SOLVED]

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