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Latency & Extreme Performance Degradation Following RC6 update

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Hello! Hoping someone can point me in the right direction or let me know if they are having similar issues. Last night I upgraded to the latest RC version of unraid, and since then, I cannot even use my server due to extreme slowness. I'm talking, it takes about 10 minutes for the webGUI to load, and when it does, if I click on anything I'm waiting another multiple minutes for it to load. It drops about 50% of pings, and the ones it does reply to have anywhere from 100ms to 1000ms of latency. CPU usage is pinned at 100% even with all VMs off, even if I click the terminal icon just to issue a "top" command, the terminal window just says "502 bad gateway". Nothing seems to be functioning appropriately. Any advice? I don't even know if Ill be able to provide logs of any sort because it is nearly impossible to access anything on the server. 

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