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Docker Downloading - Extremely Slow Speed - WEB GUI BECOMES UNRESPONSIVE

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New to unRAID, learning it and loving it!


Here is my issue which only happens sometimes: I goto Apps and select a docker to download and the speed is extremely slow....like 30MB one takes 3-4 minutes to download and while it is downloading the complete UI becomes unresponsive. Is this expected?
I have 1 Gig internet and I usually get 70-80MB (Megabytes not Megabits)/sec on the server. And if I download another docker after this slow download, it will download at full speed. For e.g. a 130MB docker will finish downloading in a few seconds.


Some additional info:
My appdata and system are configured with prefer: cache settings. I have checked that the docker.img and the appdata (except some icon file for one of the docker) exist on cache. Also stopped the docker service and run mover to ensure nothing was interrupted and everything that needs to exist on cache exists on cache.


Attaching diagnostics if it can help diagnose the issue.


Edited by UWK
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I'm not seeing anything in the logs that offers any insight on what's going on.  Some things to try:

  • Remove the disk location plugin.  I'm not sure this will fix the issue, but give it a try.
  • Check your Unraid network settings.
  • Boot in safe mode, start the array and try to update docker containers.  This will keep all the plugins from being installed and will eliminate any plugin issues.
  • If the issue continues, you need to review your router setup, check your Internet speed, and check for any networking issues.
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  • 8 months later...

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