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Disk is Disabled - contents emulated

Go to solution Solved by smith844,

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I am running Unraid 6.12.0-rc6 on a Alderlake Fanless 1235U PC.  I have just migrated a setup to this new server and run it for 48 hours with no problems.  Due to its small size and lack of internal drive bays I am running two USB 3 External 4TB spinning drives.  I have run it previously on an Intel NUC and it worked well and reliably for over 12 months, more lately with 6.12.0.rc6.  I came home yesterday to a 'disk is disabled' error on the data disk and am confused as to what to do next.  I have rebooted to no avail and taken the array offline to see if there is an error.  I have run extended smart test on the drive which it passed.  I have read the storage management page on the UNRAID docs but am unsure whether I should be attempting to rebuild onto itself (as it appears to not have 'failed') or replace the drive.  I have a parity drive so I should be able to replace the data drive without losing my data, but would value some advice. I have tried replacing the cables but with no change.  Should I replace the drive or attempt to build onto itself.  Any help greatly appreciated.  



Edited by smith844
upload smart disk report
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Disk was already disabled at last boot, so we can't see what happened, but the disk does look healthy, we don't recommend using USB for array/pool devices because it's usually not very reliable, and there are USB related errors in the log, you can try to rebuild but most likely it will happen again.

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Thank you for the quick reply.  I absolutely understand the caution of not using USB devices, it suits the use case I have, and up until now it has been reliable(enough).  The fact I can rebuild my array (hopefully) from the parity drive means UNRAID has fulfilled what i need from it which is to have the data protected and have access to the docker containers, scripts and VM hosting, it really can't be beaten.  I have a fully pimped UNRAID server with SATA drives and NVME Cache which works great also, i just can't afford to run it 24/7 so I run this as a lightweight server and its been great, and I am learning as I go.  I will rebuild and see how I get on.     

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