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Is encryption required when adding a drive? (Sidequestion: How to switch drive parity slot?)

Go to solution Solved by itimpi,

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Hello community, 


i had a failing drive of my 5* 3TB. (Unraid OS Plus, Version: 6.11.5)

  1. Emptied it and took it out of the array.
  2. Ordered 2* 12TB. 
  3. Added the first 12 TB  as new Parity in Parity slot 2. (moved away from the guide here to avoid  2 days of down time at that day)
  4. Had it running till it synced up. 
  5. Removed the 3 TB disk from Parity Slot 1 
  6. Added the old Parity Disk as Data Disk 3
  7. All Synced up and Running with the Disk in Parity Slot 2


Next: i want to add the second 12 TB as Data Disk,

  • setting slots form 6 to 7 and select the new disk for slot 7
  • i can't start the array as it wants me to add a passphrase for encryption (i have no encryption setup)
  • is it possible to add the disc without encryption?


Next 2: i want to move the Parity Disk from slot 2 to slot 1 

  • Does it have negative side effects only having parity slot 2 and slot 1 empty?
  • Trying to move the disk to slot 1 i get: "Too many wrong and/or missing disks!" 

Screenshot Question 1 Adding a Datadrive requieres Encryption:




Screenshot 2: Trying to switch Parity to Slot 1.



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13 minutes ago, Haube said:

Emptied it and took it out of the array.

This was unecessary and maybe even counter-productive as it puts stress on the failing drive.  Rebuilding the contents of the failed drive would get back the contents anyway.

15 minutes ago, Haube said:

i can't start the array as it wants me to add a passphrase for encryption (i have no encryption setup)

Sounds like you have encryption set as the default under Settings->Disk Settings?    Regardless you can click on the drive on the Main tab and set its format explicitly to a non-encrypted file system which should now let you start the array.


17 minutes ago, Haube said:

Next 2: i want to move the Parity Disk from slot 2 to slot 1 

  • Does it have negative side effects only having parity slot 2 and slot 1 empty?
  • Trying to move the disk to slot 1 i get: "Too many wrong and/or missing disks!" 

Unraid will be quite happy if you want to leave parity1 slot empty.


You cannot combine removing parity2 and assigning parity1 into a single step.  Moving parity2 to the parity1 slot involves

  1. Stop the array and unassign parity2
  2. Start the array to make Unraid 'forget' the parity2 assignment
  3. Stop the array and assign the old parity2 to parity1 
  4. Start the array to commit the change and build the contents of parity1 (it uses a different algorithm to parity2).

Until step 4 completes your data will be unprotected against another drive failing.

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20 minutes ago, itimpi said:

Sounds like you have encryption set as the default under Settings->Disk Settings?    Regardless you can click on the drive on the Main tab and set its format explicitly to a non-encrypted file system which should now let you start the array.

Thanks for the quick help, that solved it. 


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