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Unmountable disk present (there is no disk)

Go to solution Solved by JorgeB,

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Everything is working ok, but this makes me nervous! There is no disk 2. None. All disks present are in use as shown. In unassigned disks, there's nothing there of historic items. Just a nice clean canvas.

Should I just go ahead and hit for format button? 


If logs are needed to help, please let me know how to get them. I've hit the log button, but the only stuff showing up post a clean reboot is network related. 


Thank you in advance.

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At some point there was a 6TB disk assigned to disk2, emulated disk doesn't show signs of any supported filesystem, so if you are not missing any data and to get rid of it do a new config (Tools -> New Config) and resync parity, you can re-assign the data disks sequentially or just leave that slot empty.

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6 minutes ago, JorgeB said:

At some point there was a 6TB disk assigned to disk2, emulated disk doesn't show signs of any supported filesystem, so if you are not missing any data and to get rid of it do a new config (Tools -> New Config) and resync parity, you can re-assign the data disks sequentially or just leave that slot empty.

Thank you. You're right, there used to be. I put a 14tb in a few days ago, let it rebuild, and now it's out.


Have done it, and now I'm being advised my parity drives will be overwritten when I start. Unless I check the Parity is already valid.

Does the log file give any suggestions as to being valid or not? Or let them both get overwrriten then spend 24 hours biting my nails I don't have a power cut! ha.

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