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"Click the 'Default' button to select the default Device Script File"? What button?


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I have been sharing a share from one Unraid array to another using SMB. This works well except for the problem that I can't back up symbolic links. So I'm trying to use NFS instead -- which so far is utterly confusing.


When I try to mount the remote share by clicking on the MOUNT button, nothing happens. I get no error message, but nothing gets mounted either. I'm wondering if one of the problem is that I don't have a device script set up - for whatever that's supposed to accomplish.

I'd love it if somewhere someone has documented a straight-forward way to use a share across two Unraid arrays that bypasses having to learn from scratch all of the godawful configuration options that seems to go along with NFS.




I see no "Default" button anywhere. Clicking on that message merely brings up a blank one-line-tall list.




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