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Connect through container "about:blank#blocked"

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Hello my friends and thank you for this great piece of software. A general question what I do wrong when connecting a container by another. In my example I want to have Radarr connected to the internet through a Nordlynx container. Since it's a general, and not an app related question, I'll try here.

Nordlynx works great, connected!


then, with the console and "curl ifconfig.io" I get the following output, everything ok, connected!


I tried connecting my Radarr container through NORDLYNX.
Test with the Console and Curl results in the following, all also here everything ok!


But, when I try to reach the Radarr GUi the following error comes in Chrome:


My settings in NordLynx are as follows:


and still as additional paramenter:


My settings in Radarr are as follows:


The question is, what have I set wrong so that I can reach the GUI of Radarr again?

I am very much looking forward to some constructive help!
Thank you in advance and hereby donate the helper a virtual beer from 🇩🇪

p.s.: If I manage to get it done I will create a simple illustrated step by step tutorial for this installation for the other Users.

Edited by BrutalHarmony
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Try adding a host and container port of 7878 to the vpn container. You have a variable there now, you need a port.


Also, specific to that VPN container, it may need another variable to allow that port you add through the firewall, but that's something that would be specific to that container, not general support.

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3 hours ago, JonathanM said:

Try adding a host and container port of 7878 to the vpn container. You have a variable there now, you need a port.

Hello and thanks for your help!
I changed the "variable" to "port" in Nordlynx container but still got the error:

Would it be rude to ask you for a screenshot of my correct settings?
Trying now for hours without success.
Its a clean install, directly connected with LAN to the Fritz-Router.
Would be very very happy!

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I can't really be of much more help, I use binhex's vpn containers to route other containers, and he has extensive documentation on what they need. I can't find anything on the nordlynx that describes what is needed, so I just took a shot in the dark that they might be similar.


The machine you are trying to connect from is connectable to the subnet, right? My networking isn't as strong as it should be, but that looks a little strange to me. I'm not used to people using 192.168.x.x with a mask, typically if you want that many ip's you use 10.x.x.x

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  • 9 months later...
On 6/10/2023 at 4:11 PM, BrutalHarmony said:

Hello my friends and thank you for this great piece of software. A general question what I do wrong when connecting a container by another. In my example I want to have Radarr connected to the internet through a Nordlynx container. Since it's a general, and not an app related question, I'll try here.

Nordlynx works great, connected!


then, with the console and "curl ifconfig.io" I get the following output, everything ok, connected!


I tried connecting my Radarr container through NORDLYNX.
Test with the Console and Curl results in the following, all also here everything ok!


But, when I try to reach the Radarr GUi the following error comes in Chrome:


My settings in NordLynx are as follows:


and still as additional paramenter:


My settings in Radarr are as follows:


The question is, what have I set wrong so that I can reach the GUI of Radarr again?

I am very much looking forward to some constructive help!
Thank you in advance and hereby donate the helper a virtual beer from 🇩🇪

p.s.: If I manage to get it done I will create a simple illustrated step by step tutorial for this installation for the other Users.


I have exactly the same problem, with Nordlynx and NordVPN Docker, the settings are the same as yours.

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